jeudi 29 novembre 2012

Suunto Ambit - Mise à jour V2.0

Une nouvelle version du logiciel pour la Suunto Ambit

A lire : Présentation de la V2.0
- Info Produit
- Guide d'utilisation

Ambit 2.0 related features and improvements:
- ANT+ support
- Foot POD support
- Interval timer
- Suunto Apps support
- Tighter speed fusion filter giving more stable running pace
- Exercise summary to show the number of manual laps (in previous version the number of laps included manual, auto and pause laps combined)
- Pausing no longer interferes with lap count in the Ambit
- Improvement of log memory capacity when using GPS

Ambit 2.0 related Movescount improvements & bug fixes:
- Faster updating of satellite orbit data during Moveslink synchronization
- Individual selection of all PODs in custom exercise modes in Movescount
- Fixed minimum/maximum value bug in Movescount
- Lap notes to differentiate autolaps and pause laps in Movescount
- Ambit release notes available from GEAR page in Movescount
- Sorting option added for POIs & routes in Movescount
- Fixed a bug of Movescount not using avg cadence calculated by the Ambit

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